How to buy fishing licences in Reisa in 2018

Reisa River is a one in a kind river in Norway, as the rights to fish is actually split between landowners and the municipalities locals. This means complex rules and arrangements and it may appear difficult for external fishermen to understand how things work. The quick answer is the following: For external fishermen (fishers that are not living permanently in the Nordreisa municipality) the primary source of fishing licences is from the region`s landowners that own the rights to sell cards on their property.  A list of landowners that are providing licences is provided further below, and this will be updated as more opt in to sell cards.


If you plan to fish in Reisa, the biggest landowner is actually the state (Statskog) and they provide cards on their lands in the upper- and the lover parts of the river. Be aware that the areas from zone 11-zone 19 can be hard to reach and normally people need to rent a river boat the reach these areas.

The areas in the lower parts of the river is more accesible.

Cards in the upper parts of the river can be purchased here: Statskog øverelva, press salmon->Reisaelva-> Øverelva Sone 11-19 

For the areas in the lover parts of the river, they are purchased on, se more here


As the season progresses, some landowners opt to have us sell their cards on the scanatura saleschannel. This means that new fishing beats probably will become availible as the season comes closer. We suggest to bookmark in your browser and pay careful attention if you are looking for cards in a spesific beat. We will allso update this page with information if any other beats become availible.


Private landowners that provide licences:

Reisa Friluftssenter AS sells cards on behalf of landowners in the Sappen area: They can be reached on +47 77 76 55 01

Ragnhild Rognmo sells cards in the area of Rognmo, can be reached on +47 452 15 353

Ragnhild Hammari sells cards in the area of Marjastilla, can be reached on +47 951 53 172

Arnt-Magnus Gamst sells cards in the area of Haugset/Holmen, and can be reached on +47 916 39 256

Arnold Mikkelsen sells cards in the area of Hurrika, and can be reached on +47 917 59 218

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